Friday, January 13, 2006


Not a lot going on lately.

Strange how calm I am, actually. I mean, there I was all keyed up for weeks about so much stuff. Whether we'd buy the house, what if something happened and we couldn't buy the house, what if we bought the house, what kind of furniture would I get, etc. etc.

But now that we're actually, really, truly going to buy the house (unless something completely unforeseen happens within the next two weeks) and I'm just as cool as a cucumber. Nothing bothering me. Decorating? Yeah, so what, it'll work out. Furniture buying? Plenty of time for that. Packing? It'll get done eventually.

What is WRONG with me?!

Here it is the (what day is it? let me look. . .) 13th of January. We're closing in 18 days. I need to call and schedule the movers, I need to start collecting boxes and packing the stuff that we don't want the movers to pack, I need to decide upon and price blinds (the house has zero window coverings--how can people live like that?!), I need to start shopping for furniture and make some decisions on what we're buying. I really should be going nuts. But for some reason 18 days seems like a really long time and I'm feeling no pressure.

Oh, yeah, I forget to mention that classes have started again and I have this gigundo project due in five weeks for this computer course I'm taking.

Oh, oh, AND that the whole ACVA thing that my "real" group at work has been undergoing is done and announcements will be made the week of the 23rd. I'm not even worried about THAT.

Have I taken too many Wellbutrins or something?

This just isn't like me.

Maybe it's the weather. It's been so nice and mild outside lately that it's been really hard for me to focus on anything at all, much less let the unknown and the uncontrollable upset me. So maybe this will all change this weekend when the cold front comes in.

Or maybe it's that whole procrastination problem I wrote about before. I'm in self-preservation mode (a.k.a. denial) right now and my instinct to procrastinate and kid myself into thinking that all is well is kicking in. In a week or so, once the deadline is truly LOOMING, I'll be back to my old neurotic self again.



Until then I'm going to enjoy myself.

In fact I think I'll go grab my newest book (NOT my text book) and lie on the couch like a big ol' slug for a few hours!