Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sleepless, again

I woke up at 4:21 a.m. I'd been having a bad dream: Something about Donald going camping with his girlfriend and William was there and things were just all of out sorts.

Sort of like life is right now.

Between the new job, class and homework, conflicts involving Billy, and the usual Grandma stuff (she's lonely, she's miserable, where are we going?, when will we be back?, we never take her anywhere, etc.), life seems rather. . .messy these days.

But I guess that's, well, life. Right?

Truth be told, one of the things that is bothering me the most (Billy not included) is the state of my yard. I know, I know, the yard should be the least of my worries. But the former home owners did not invest in the yard, and it shows. It's awful! There's no grass. None. Just weeds. And the beds and plantings that they did do, well, they're currently out of control and the weeds are taking them over, as well. I've called no less than four landscape companies. They keep giving me the run around. They'll get me quotes, start work in two weeks, no problem. But then I don't hear back from them. I know that it's their busy season but geez, you'd think that someone would want the work.

We're (Donald and I) supposed to get outside today and do what we can out there, but hey, I've only had about four hours of sleep, I have an exam to finish (advanced accounting--ickypoo), and someone, at some time today, needs to go grocery shopping. Soooo, I have my doubts about how much yard work will get done. Meanwhile, it's painful for me to even look out of the windows. We have the worst yard in the neighborhood. I mean The Worst. It's truly awful. I should get up right now and go out there and start working. Or at least light a match to it. That's really what it needs.

Too bad it rained yesterday.

It's crazy that a yard should make me feel so crazy, so out of control.

But I guess that's it, isn't it?

The yard is physical proof that I am feeling crazy and out of control. And I can't have the neighbors knowing things like that about me! Having a messy yard in the suburbs, it's the modern day equivalent to airing dirty laundry. You just don't do it. People will talk. They'll. . .know.


So no matter what else I do today, I will go work in the yard. I must put that thing in its place. Conquer it. Control it. Show my neighbors (myself) that I'm competent, that I know how to manage my yard (life).

But first I need to try and catch a small nap.

And then I'll go out there.