Saturday, March 04, 2006


My life in one word: crazy.

I haven't even had the time/taken the time to write in weeks now! That's how crazy things are for me.

And right this very moment I have soooo much stuff to do that I really shouldn't be sitting here doing this and I'm feeling really guilty that I am but oh well, gotta do this some time and procrastination is my forte anyway. . .

So what's up? Well, the house is still pretty much at the same stage of unpacking that it was last week. This is because I had to devote all my time this past week to work. It was an awful month-end close (I'm back with my "real" group now) and I worked until I couldn't see straight every night and then I came home and just sat like a zombie.

Speaking of work, I have a job interview on Monday. At GSK. It's a lateral position but in a new group and with a lot of potential for growth. I hope I get it.

Oh well, now I have a phone call. I guess I'll go talk. I haven't yet mastered multitasking to the point that I can type and talk.