Saturday, January 21, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

Yes, it's actually my birthday.

My birthday evening now--almost my not birthday anymore, really.

It was a good birthday. I had to go to a swim team meeting at 9 a.m. and I was so dreading it because of the inevitable too-many-women-competing-for-a-little-bit-of-power thing, but it really didn't go so badly. None of us are bitch enough to make it unbearable, thank goodness. Of course, it is early in the season. . .

Then I took Lizzie shopping at a new girl's clothing store called Justice, which is really just Limited Too without the inside the mall prices. We went with Shaile, Morgan and Shanan and had a good time. Lizzie racked up. Naturally.

So then we went to my dad and Carol's house and had a birthday dinner that couldn't be beat (standing rib roast, Italian spinach and cauliflower casserole--mmmmm-mmmm!). For dessert we had panna cotta (sp?) with mango, as well as a big cookie cake thingy from the Nestle Toll House cafe. Then I got to open my presents and guess what I got?! A DVD camcorder!! Woooohoooo! It's so cool. Records right to mini DVDs. It's FABULOUS! I wanted one but I honestly didn't think I'd get one because, well, they're awfully expensive and I also wanted a Roomba but since I'd already gotten one of those I just kinda figured that the camcorder would come later, maybe next year or something. But I got it this year. Yea!!

So what's been happening besides my birthday?

Same old, same old, really. I keep saying that I need to get boxes and start packing but so far saying the words is as far as I've gotten.

Grandma fell a couple of weeks ago and bruised her hip and she's been really complaining about the pain and is walking more slowly than ever (her speed can only be recorded using negative numbers). The doctor at the urgent care place who did the x-ray and determined that nothing was broken gave her Tylenol with codeine but that doesn't seem to help her any. The pain is making her feel even more lonely and miserable and so she's taken to crying and lamenting about how she can't stand to be where she is even more than usual. I keep telling her that it's only going to be a few more weeks and to just hang in there but that doesn't seem to help much.

I had a dream last week--my first living-with-Grandma nightmare, really. I don't recall specifics, just that we were all together in the house and Grandma was being belligerent and obstinate, refusing to cooperate and no matter what I said to her she just wouldn't stop and I was getting angrier and angrier and I felt so hopeless and miserable.

Just anxiety, do you suppose? Or more of a sign of things to come?